tirsdag den 16. oktober 2007

Hvad sker der i Tjekkiet? - Stop nazismen

maj 6, 2007

1. maj gik DSUs kammerater i Tjekkiet, MSD, på gaden for på fredelig vis at demonstrere mod højre ekstremistiske og neo-nazistiske tendenser i Tjekkiet. Desværre udviklede demonstrationen sig i en retning, man ikke ville tro kunne finde sted i Europa.
Herunder er en gengivelse af den skrivelse, DSU har modtaget. DSU har samtidig sendt en officiel støtteerklæring til vores søsterorganisation.

Dear Comrades
Let me inform you about the recent events which concern us as we are afraid of the proliferation of right wing extremism among government representatives and toleration of Fascist and neo-Nazi organizations by Czech officials and police.
We don´t want to comment rhetoric of the Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek (ODS - Conservative Party) and 1. Deputy Prime Minister Jiří Čuněk (Christian Democrats) who’s Nazi and racist statements are scandalous. We would like to call your attention to the fact that right-wing extremist movement which endeavour to undermine democratic basis of our society hasn’t been clearly condemned and refused by official representatives of the Czech Republic.
We have to note in this context that the current trends when police and right-wing politicians silently watch to open manifestations of racism and xenophobia are absolutely unacceptable to us.
Young Social Democrats decided to peacefully protest against the procession of the neo-Nazi organizations Národní sjednocení (National Unification) and Vlastenecká fronta (Patriotic Front) because of above mentioned reasons. The procession was to have been commemorative act of alleged murder of Chicago’s policemen during the so called riots at the Haymarket Square in 1886.
We, Social Democrats, celebrate on 1 May remembrance of trade unionists from Chicago who died for the right to eight hours working time. We consider such a refutal of historical facts as egregious. Therefore several dozens of Young Social Democrats gathered on 1 May in Prague to express their opposition to officially granted procession of right-wing extremists.
We had to watch with astonishment the approach of the Police of the Czech Republic which didn’t proceed against extremists and even put out people of their way through the streets of Prague.
Nevertheless much bigger surprise for us was that police turned against peacefully protesting members of the Young Social Democrats at the end. Indeed the last shock wasn’t the arrest of 26 young social democrats.
Subsequent humiliating treatment at the police station where all detainees were forced to denude in front of others and where they were hold for immoderate duration are scandalous practice of the police in democratic state where everyone has a right for the freedom of expression in a peaceful way.
Therefore we would like to ask you for your support to prevent that the similar excesses will be repeated in the future. We will struggle for Minister of Interior taking a responsibility for the police behaviour and its support of the neo-nazi movement. Yours support will show to the Czech political representatives that the police have to act differently and that not the party affiliation have to make them to refuse neo-Nazism, racism and xenofobia but the faith in freedom and democracy. We have to deny that the Chicago would happen once more in the future!
Petr DolínekPresident, Mladi sociálni demokraté

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